Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tate Modern Gallery

Thursday 24th July

Yesterday, in our academic excursion, we visited a modern art museum, since this week's theme is art. Later, some free time for going shopping was given to us.

At the moment, we are preparing our show for tomorrow in lessons. I hope the spectators enjoy it.

How fast the time goes by, it seems it was yesterday when we arrived to Queenswood.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Madame Tussaud's

Monday 21st July


Once more, it's time to update our activities. On Saturday, we were able to admire our favourite famous people. I had already been to this museum, I did it two years ogo, but anyway, I was able to renew my album of photos with them. Afterwards, we had some free time which I spent taking the underground and visiting Harrods. Unfortunately, just fifteen minutes were left, so it turned out to be a bit stressful. However, despite the being in a hurry, I managed to arrive on time to the coach.


I have never seen so many people in one place. It was a fantastic time because I was doing shopping but on the end of our free time I got lost. Fortunately Ellena found me and I came back to our bus;)

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Thursday 27th July
Yesterday it was turn for us to visit the Tower Hill of London in a guided tour, in which we were told about the Great Fire in 1666 and the Great Plague. The second bus arrived late, so one group left the school earlier.
Once the walk finished, we rested for having lunch and immediately after, entered a museum-ship where the sailorsmen's hard life could be imagined by different mannequins and dependencies. Lots of photos to remember this moment were also taken, of course.


Thursday 17th July 2008
Last Tuesday we went to the cinema to see this cartoon movie, which we really enjoyed, not only because it was funny, but also because be could perfectly understand every single world.
Before entering the cinema, while waiting in the queue, we spent our time taking some crazy photos.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday 14th July 2008


Hi computer, it's time to up-to-date this blog, since the during the weekend lots of activities have been done.

To begin with, on Friday evening there was an assembly in which some scary tales were performed. Afterwars, some student awards were given (as well as a chocolate). I was one of them due to my hard work in class and homework. Once it finished, I played some table tennis with Kasia and then listened to her playing wonderful songs in the piano.

On Saturday, it was time to go to Cambridge. I did sightseeing with Julia, a Spanish girl, and also did some shopping but not too much. I purchased an eye mask, as here I wake up every morning because of the light, a blue Cambridge's sweater, a book and some cookies for my relatives. I believe it was the best day of the week, since not only did we visit a new place, but we danced on the disco as well, which is one of the things I enjoy the most: dancing.

Finally, my first week ended with an exciting visit to Thorpe Park, though is must be said it was a bit expensive: the entrance cost £40, and I also paid for a fastrack in order to avoid queueing, and this meant £20 further. Anyway, I don't actually care about this, since it was worth it. I went on eight rides, all of them full of adrenaline: Collosos, Nemesis Inferno, Rush, Vortex, No way out, Stealth, Samuray and Detonator. The weather was fantastic, but I didn't get on any water ride in case I got cold.

Thursday, July 10, 2008




Yesterday we went to the center of London. Firstly we walked and enjoyed the sightseeing. Part of our big group entered the Tower of London and the second part was visiting the city. We saw the crown and other beautiful staffs. All the time it was raining but it didn`t disturb us to uncover all goodness of London.


When we arrived to London, we met our tourist guide, a friendly woman who showed us some of the old of part of this city which received us with a cloudy and rainy day (It rained cats and dogs,and several students got soacking wet). She told us some scary legends about ghosts and also explained the story of the Tower of London and king Henry VIII.

Once we got into the tower of London, some people, including me, got lost, since we followed a member of the staff who lead us wrongly. Anyway, I was able to visit the White Tower, with armouries and the Crown Jewells. Despite the rain, which made the excursion less funny and prevented us from taking more photos, I feel pleased about the trip. Moreover, I'm glad to have visited a new place.


Tuesday 8th July 2009
In the evening we went to the cinema to see this film whose main character was Will Smith. He was playing a role in which he was a man with supernatural powers. At first, when I saw him flying and didn't know he had such strange skills, I thought it was a completely surrealistic movie, but later I enjoyed it. The end was bittersweet.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Tuesday 8th July 08
We are two students in their second day of school at Quenswood. Today it's a rainy day. We hope we see the sun soon.
yesterday we had our first lessons and they seem to be funny. in the evening we had time for internet and we had contact with other parts of the world.
Yesterday evening I was supposed to do touch ball. However, I decided to do football because of the rain. The weather made me go back to my room after just ten minutes of streching. This afternoon we are going to the cinema. I hope the movie is funny!
See you later alligator...